It's Monday and all I can say is wow. Wow, what a weekend that was. I actually worked my first gig as a photographer which was really nice. I took all the shots for my cousin's wedding and boy did I take alot. 1443 shots if you were wondering in the slightest. At first I was a bit nervous I would somehow mess things up or not get the quality shots that were desired. I feel like I did a good job for my first major event though. Truthfully, The church made getting my indoor shots of the ceremony a bit harder than necessary. They did not allow me to get into certain angles or even use flash! At the same time it was kind of a blessing in disguise as I had to completely ditch any auto settings. Without the use of auto settings ( which sometimes is very very nice and convenient ) I was forced to go completely manual. which in turn kept me on my toes as different lighting, angles, and subjects were introduced to my viewfinder. I will have to post some pics of the wedding on my next post as I still have a ton of post editing to do. On the subject of editing I finally have photoshop cs5 extended ( thank you so much Jordan ). Cs5 is truly and utterly amazing with the things you can do to your shots. I must say i have fallen asleep nights while editing my work, its that in depth. Side note to all the fathers out there: Happy Late Fathers Day! hope it was a good one. Lets start the show
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