Saturday, June 25, 2011


First of all had to laugh at charlie sheen black ops video on youtube. Charlie you're one crazy guy, but I like you so its all good. Its Saturday and the time for the gold cup final is almost upon us. There is so much to say about the USA vs Mexico rivalry so ill keep it short. I'm actually a little bit torn on this match because I happen to be "Mexican American". Which team do i root for you ask? obviously I would like both of them to win but that's not possible. Having said that I am deciding to take a neutral standpoint to whole situation. One team is gonna win and i like both of them so either way I'm WINNING! haha i apologize but i had to. Light paint is the majority of the subject nature but ill thrown in some wedding pics for those interested. Voila!

Monday, June 20, 2011

If you only knew

It's Monday and all I can say is wow. Wow, what a weekend that was. I actually worked my first gig as a photographer which was really nice. I took all the shots for my cousin's wedding and boy did I take alot. 1443 shots if you were wondering in the slightest. At first I was a bit nervous I would somehow mess things up or not get the quality shots that were desired. I feel like I did a good job for my first major event though. Truthfully, The church made getting my indoor shots of the ceremony a bit harder than necessary. They did not allow me to get into certain angles or even use flash! At the same time it was kind of a blessing in disguise as I had to completely ditch any auto settings. Without the use of auto settings ( which sometimes is very very nice and convenient ) I was forced to go completely manual. which in turn kept me on my toes as different lighting, angles, and subjects were introduced to my viewfinder. I will have to post some pics of the wedding on my next post as I still have a ton of post editing to do. On the subject of editing I finally have photoshop cs5 extended ( thank you so much Jordan ). Cs5 is truly and utterly amazing with the things you can do to your shots. I must say i have fallen asleep nights while editing my work, its that in depth. Side note to all the fathers out there: Happy Late Fathers Day! hope it was a good one. Lets start the show

Monday, June 13, 2011


Hello to my loyal followers out there. I am quite excited as tonight i may be aquiring some very intriguing items related to developing my skills. Gonna go for a ride tonight since i got a new tire and tube. Friday night was supposed to start off with a ride to downtown. I got about 3 miles before i heard this clank clank clank noise. I dismounted my bike and decieded to take a look at my rear tire. Upon inspection i found a massive nail that had punctured both my tube and tire. The nail had gone straight through both sidewalls of my tire! The whole situation wasent so bad though as i simply called my brother to come pick me up. While i was at the bike shop i also picked up a sweet little L.E.D light for the rear. Saturday i Picked up some items for the new house ill be moving into. Had a great date night with my lovely girl saturday evening. Got some shots on sunday and discussed some items with the new landlord. Overall it was a very nice weekend without any stress. My kind of weekend if you ask me.